Folks – today only, on Shop at Home’s WILD Offer, you can get FREE Seventh Gen Dish Soap at Shop at Home from
- Just head over to Shop at Home.
- Look for the WILD Offer
- Click “Buy now” – You pay $2.21 You then get $2.21 in your Shop at Home Account
That makes the Dish Soap FREE after credit (25 oz size only). You will get free shipping through Shoprunner.
Shop at Home works very easy – once you get to $20 in Rewards, they will send you a check. The deal won’t last all day – it only goes until they sell out or run out of stock.
looks like they want to charge me $5.99 for shipping- am I missing something?
Shipping is free with Shoprunner trial.
I know, me too. I’m not paying 5.99 shipping!
I don’t get how I shop at through both the shopathome site AND the shop runner site to get the free shipping
you dont. It’s easy. You put it in your cart. Then you click the button that says “get it free with shoprunner trial”. They will take you to Shoprunner, finish signing up for your trial and then they take you back to your purchase.
Got it, got it- thanks Sheryl!!! Sorry I did not read carefully first!!! Was so excited- betcha can’t get 2? Still a great deal for 7th gen products!