The last few days, many of you have snagged the FREE $15 credit at “One Kings Lane”. They did indicate that their terms changed (via email that I got) but………reader Tereza this morning just snagged a can opener for FREE + her $15 credit went towards shipping.
Which leads me to think it might still be working?!
IF it is, you can still score some great things today – I did find something you can snag free today – with your $15 credit – would make a great gift. They have this Pizza Cutter for $12…….so FREE after credit? Possibly? Let me know if it works for you today.
Thanks Tereza!
shipping for one item for me is 4.95 but the credit applied to it as well so I got a wooden pot spoon for totally free!
Woo hoo!
dang it wish shipping applied towards those awesome colored bowls a couple days ago…..ha ha
Just tried and it says in fine print on the bottom, that you have to place a min. order of $30 to get the $15 off credit.
That’s what they say but it’s working on anything……so hence, their mistake.
I also got the wooden spoon for free including shipping :)
I got 2 cedar sachets, they were $10 then the rest went toward shipping so it was free!
still didnt work for me….booo!!!
I got a wooden spoon for free also!! Shipping was taken out of my credit!! Woo Hoo
I just got the bee sandwich cutter in clearence it was $6.00 with tax & shipping it was free with the $15.00 credit.Thanks Sheryl I still have $18.00 because the person I referred bought something and it gave me $15.00 credit..
Brittany, it’s because you are a referral …. you get it free if you are signed up on your own
I signed up on my own and I didn’t get the $15 credit :(
I called an cancelled my order. They also told me I had to spend $30.00 so it was a no go….
I got a nice wisk for $1.95 shipped! Thanks, Sheryl :)
Hmm..just tried it but it wouldn’t use my 15 dollar credit so I didn’t put my order through…this is my first time to that site so I don’t know what I did wrong. I was trying to get the small crock for 8.00…oh well, Sheryl did say it ‘might’ work. =}
The $15 credit didn’t come off my order either, and I went all the way to the final step where all I had to do was click to send the order. I wasn’t going to chance that the $15 would somehow come off after the order was completed and my credit card only being charged the remaining balance. I’ll just wait for another day to find something I really, really like.
Got the cookie scoop for $1.95 – shipped! That was nerve wracking tho. lol! I had to stalk it and press refresh like a million times. As soon as it was available…BAM! Snatched it up. Good lucky fellow freapers. There are still some items left for grabs.
I got the pizza cutter for $1.95 shipped! Thanks Sheryl!
didn’t work for me, said I had to spend over $30
same for me :(
Me too. :(
I just found a silicone basting brush. Perfect in BBQ basket for Christmas.