Here on “The” Cents’Able Shoppin, we used to do “Savvy Shopper”.
We have made ourselves a NEW honorary term….. and Savvy Shopper will now be known as FREAPY SHOPPER! Last week, we featured Meryl out in SoCal… and this week it’s Karly!
Karly JUST attended my coupon class last week! She’s already tearin’ it up!
Karly sent me an email and let me know she paid a total of $9.16, and saved $33.18 on the picture above. She did this specific set of transactions on Thursday – which was Friends & Family day at Walgreens. During Friends & Family, you can bring the Walgreens F&F coupon to get a discount of 15% off of each item, or 20% off of Walgreens brand items.
Karly said:
Went to Walgreens and bought $43 worth of name brand things I will use for $9.16. I’m so thrilled! Seriously, it’s been so long since I’ve bought name brand things for myself because I never thought I could afford it. Couponing is proving that wrong!
This is her set of transactions:
Transaction #1
Buy 2 Colgate Total @ 2/$6 ($5.10 total after 15% F&F discount)
minus (2) Colgate Total $1/1 mfg (in Heart Health & You magazine in pharmacy)
= $3.10 plus $.45 tax= $3.55 (received $4RR)Transaction #2
Buy 1 Crest ProHealth toothpaste @ $2.99 ($2.54 after 15% F&F discount)
Buy 2 Edge Shave Gel @ 1.99 ($3.40 total after 15% F&F discount)
minus (1) Crest $.55/1 mfg (unsure of coupon insert)
minus (1) Edge $1/1 mfg (unsure of coupon insert)
minus $4 RR from Transaction #1
= $.39 plus $.52 tax= $.91 (received $2RR)Transaction #3
Buy 1 Lady SpeedStick Deodorant @ 2/$4 (1.69 after 15% F&F discount)
Buy 2 Ban Deodorants @ $1.49 each with IAC ($2.53 total after 15% F&F discount)
Buy 2 Easter Pencils @ $.13 each with IAC ($.21 total after 15% F&F discount)
minus (1) Lady SpeedStick $.50/1 mfg (unsure of coupon insert)
minus (1) Ban $.75/1 mfg (unsure of coupon insert)
minus (1) Ban $.40/1 mfg (unsure of coupon insert)
minus $2 RR from Transaction #2
= $.80 plus $.39 tax= $1.19 (received $1RR)Transaction #4
Buy 2 Bic Soleil Bella 3 pack razors @ BOG50% ($9.55 total after 15% F&F discount and BOG50% discount)
Buy 1 Easter pencil @ $.13 with IAC ($.11 after 15% F&F discount)
minus (2) Bic Soleil Bella $3/1mfg (printable)
minus $1 RR from Transaction #3
= $2.66 plus $.85 tax= $3.51
Total OOP: $9.16, saved $33.48
I am SO very proud of Karly! I’m envious though, she did SUCH a great job at writing all these scenarios out, Karly – if you could only SEE how unorganized I am when I shop, you’d fall over…… I hope you are having a fun time this weekend GREAT job Karly!
For those of you who may be new, and unfamiliar with Savvy Shopper read on!
If YOU have a grocery trip to share, please send it to me! I will feature a "Savvy Shopper" every Saturday! Showcase YOUR skills in clippin’ coupons! ! Want me to consider featuring YOUR shopping trip up here on Saturday morning? Then send to me via email at centsableshoppin (at) gmail (dot) com by Saturday at 8 a.m. and look for your trip to be posted up here on "The" Cents’Able Shoppin!
I just came back from a trip to New York. Can I use their coupons here or will they not work? I don’t want to hold up a line at the store if they aren’t ok to use here.
If they are MFR coupons you sure can!
Are they manufacturer coupons? If yes, then yes you can use them anywhere.