You can pick up this FoodSaver Mini Plus on special today for $21.99 + FREE Ship after discount code K1FV70A. Only while supplies last!
This item is regularly $69.99 – so you’re saving quite a bit. I’m not too knowledgeable on FoodSavers, but…. I do know that they may come in handy over the holiday.
Sheryl thanks for the deal! You’re such a nice person! ;) ;)
Thanks for the deal! I purchased a higher end model a few weeks ago and my mom really wanted one so I went ahead and sent her this one! It is perfect! :-) Thanks for pointing out the deal!
Thank you so much! I have been wanting one of these!
I have been using these for years! They save a lot of food from rot.
I would love to have one of these so i can make individual tv dinners and store them in the freezer.
I love my food saver it’s a old large one and this really makes me excited I hope to get one of these…Thanks so much for the info!!!
I keep getting an error message when trying to order….help!