If you’re looking for a great Christmas gift on some Fleece Sweatshirts, Finish Line has a smokin deal going right now for NCAA Fleece – these bad boys are $$$!
Head over HERE to capture 2 NCAA Fleece for just $15 ea. + FREE ship with code SAVEME20. As you review your order, once you put in your address & before you put in credit card you ‘ll see a box to put the code in. They have a ton of ton of pages of teams – including ASU.
Shipping comes to just $32.51 with tax. This is much better than paying a whopping $50 a sweater (or $25 anyways).
These are coming up for $25 a piece so 2 for $50…. where’s the $30
You put the code in on the REVIEW page like I stated above. Fill out your address, then on the review page is a spot for the code.
You have to put in the coupon code she mentioned at the end, when you’re checking out.
total blonde moment… figured it out… :) That’s what happens when I do a million things at once… thanks all!
Finally got the boyfriend to pick his sweatshirt out… I’m so excited about FREAPY NCAA hoodies!! Thanks Sheryl!
Saveme20 code is now expired
Darn! The code is not working.