I got a wonderful email from a reader just a few days ago, who has already finished making her teacher appreciation baskets for the end of the school year. Wow….someone is a planner! Seriously though, the end of the school year is fast approaching and many of you will help your kiddos make appreciation gifts to thank the teacher for a wonderful year. Some people will spend upwards of $20 or more on gift cards…….I personally won’t! I would rather do-it-myself and make a fun & practical gift.
You can get creative for a containment device:
- 2-liter soda bottle, washed and rinsed
- Basket – look in thrift stores
- Popcorn bucket – from the Dollar Tree
- A Garden Tote – see right! I see things like this on clearance at JoAnn Fabrics quite a lot
So what do you toss in? You know all those awesome samples you get in the mail? That would be a great start!
For the Men in your life
- McCormick Grinders
- BBQ Sauce
- Marinade!
- McCormick Grill Mates
- Chapstick
- Chocolate/Gum/Seeds
- Gummies
- FREE Lotion Samples / Trial Size Lotions
For the Ladies
- Nivea lip care
- Lotion & Body Wash – FREE trial size bottles
- Small 2 oz candle (Glade) or Air Wick Candle
- Glade candle tin
- Revlon beauty tools
- Sample sizes of St. Ives…Ponds cloths, etc.
- Office items like clips and fun tidbits
- Dove chocolates
For the last few years, I have used 2-liter Coca Cola bottles to “house” my gifts. I just take the label off (carefully), cut a “U” in the side of the bottle under the label, and put some frilly fluffy paper in there as decoration .
Then stuff till my hearts content with all the neat tidbits I can fit! I then either put the original label back on, OR, make my own label and glue it around (after taping up the “U” shaped hole of course)!
Put some curly ribbon on the cap, and you are in business!
Thanks Danielle for the awesome pictures!
Awesome idea and at just the perfect time. I have been collecting freap teacher supplies and items for my kids teachers over the last few months but had yet to find something to put them in. Who knew I was going to end up using 2 liter bottles of soda right out of my recycle bin! Thanks for the idea.
Ok ladies.. I’d like to fill you in on how the receiver would feel about your gift. I completely understand “it’s the thought that counts” but to be honest with you… you are giving your childs educator “junk”. Dollar store supplies are HORRIBLE!! The glue is oily, the crayons don’t color nicely, pens don’t write, pencils have rocks instead of erasers and just mess up their papers and the stick notes never stick! A longggg well thought out thank you note would mean so much more! These women or men are up early and attending meeting for our kids, teach all day and work after school for hours and then take things home with them too – don’t forget all the weekend grading/planning on top of additional classes they take at night and over the summer. I know a teacher extremely well and she has been teaching for 8 years, with a masters degree her paycheck is about $1000 dollars every two weeks – their pay is horrible. She is a major coupon cutter/bargin hunter too, but sometimes receiving something nice for yourself (not classroom gift) is just what you need for a little pick me up!!! Target gift cards, starbucks, Marshalls, TJMaxx…. even if it’s $10 – that’s like a coupon to them when they go to purchase something.
Your basket and bottle ideas are completely adorable, but why not get many other parents to chip in with you and “bottle up” some treats that would be much more appreciated : ) I had to put my two cents out their for our teachers – they wear wayyyy more hats for our kids then we give them credit for!!!
Wow are you serious with this comment?
Most teachers don’t get anything from their students or their parents so WTH does it matter what goes in there? You’re right, it is the thought that counts and I don’t care if it’s a bottle full of my kid’s drawings! That teacher should appreciate it because after all that’s what they became teachers for NOT the perks! I don’t have $$$ to spend on gift cards, but I do have a buttload of name-brand toiletries & necessities that I got for free using my coupon know-how…after-shave, lotion, coffee, food…NOT JUNK! I have a sister and SIL that are teachers & I sent them both baskets full of “goodies” that I’ve gotten over the past several months & none of them were “junk”…physician’s formula makeup, venus razors, john freida hair products, olay body wash and so and so on. They were so grateful and told me it’s something they wouldn’t usually get for themselves because they were “pricey” products. But I know they would have appreciated the gift if they were “cheap” dollar store products as well…
And by the way, this is a post for inexpensive gift ideas just incase you didn’t notice before you posted your “comment”.
First of all, I’m speaking about being “Frugal”. Sounds like someone is being ungrateful here. I DO also have a Masters in Education and have had it now for 8 years. I have taught. And yes, I agree that teachers don’t make a great deal; however, I was ALWAYS happy with what I received. Although those “supplies” you claim may not be “name brand’, anyone in education would value getting them to supplement their classroom. I always did.
We’re talking about Frugal ideas here. Yes, going “in” with someone on a Gift Card would be your idea – for me it’s the easy way out. It requires NO thought; it’s NOT unique, and you definitely cannot assume that everyone would want that. I dont – or wouldn’t. I dont shop, Starbucks is not in my budget, even with a Gift card I would not go there, and I dont need to buy clothes. Lastly, I would never expect my students to get me a gift card – I’m sorry but that’s a little too forward.
Perhaps your friend is in the wrong industry; I was always thankful with the gifts that showed “thought” – after all, it’s not the gift, but the thought that counts.
First off…lemme just say this…LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bottle gift wrap idea!!! SO CUTE!
After reading this I really felt the need to put in my “two cents”…I totally agree with Anonymous #1 on this one…a lot of times dollar store items are junk…I wouldn’t want a pack of their crayons even if I got them for free…we use nothing but Crayola in my house and those are purchased in large supply in August…at .25 a box…I usually buy 30 boxes to stuff party bags, give Christmas gifts or just to give my daughter a “brand new” box ..(what kid doesn’t love brand new crayons?)…while I totally agree that it IS “the thought that counts”, I agree with Anonymous #1 and would much rather have a handwritten thank you than a bunch of dollar store junk! Imagine how much of that teachers take home over the years when they’re teaching 20-25 students? Mugs and apple related items,too. I would think carefully couponed or planned ahead gifts could be done inexpensively…without having to spend money you may not have.
Recently, my daughter’s student teacher finished her internship. I made a gift bag out of a picture tote I got at Bed, Bath and Beyond for $2.49. I had stockpiled a bunch of Revlon beauty/nail products that I got for peanuts at Target with the Catalinas that just refuse to stop spitting out. (I spent about $1.00 for a pumice stone,nail clippers, tweezers, a pack of 10 emory boards,eyelash curler, & toenail clippers.)
I also purchased a bottle of nail polish remover for .47, a bottle of nail polish for .04. Then I went to Bath and Body Works. I had a coupon for buy 1 get 1 free on any $10.00 item. I bought her a full size bottle of lotion and perfume. I had them issue a gift receipt in case she wanted to exchange the scent. We also threw in some of her favorite dark chocolate candy. I spent about $15.00 in total for the woman who spent the better part of a year teaching my daughter. It’s possible to spend less..(I could have given her the travel size items which I also had coupons for but would have cost me $1.50)…but, I wanted to do it for her. My daughter adores her!
To Anonymous #2…I love the idea you had about the toiletries for your sister and SIL…but, they would appreciate ANTHING you gave them because they are your sister and SIL…*I* wouldn’t want a bottle full of your kid’s drawings…even if I was his/her teacher…nor would I want any dollar store junk…I don’t think it’s wrong to say that either…as a gift giver, I’d rather have my daughter’s teachers want/use my gift than think…”oh no…not more dollar store junk” and wind up having it thrown away…(which is exactly what I’d do with dollar store crayons)…I have a friend who feels the need to constantly shop for birthday gifts at the dollar store…and honestly, I do APPRECIATE the thought but the gift gets donated to my local thrift store…I think to myself when shopping for a gift…would *I* want to get that? If the answer is no, I don’t buy it. If I couldn’t afford to spend $ for anything other than dollar store junk, I’d probably bake something and make a nice card. :-D
First of all some “two cents” are better left to those in which they belong.
Some people feel the need to buy teachers stuff for the end of the year holidays ect, to each their own, Sheryl is providing ideals for those who want to do such things. I have had a childs teacher not tell not to bring cheep gifts- in which she recieved complaints and was fired. If you cant accept a gift and the thought that went into it maybe you shouldnt be working with kids, if you look in any teachers class you might find “1 store iteams” now a days you dont know where those iteams came from- target carrys cheep crayons and 1 store carrys name brand stuff.. It just depends on the iteam..
My child attends a public school in which a district that has privitly funded locations and not, meaning my childs schools someone donates namebrand stuff, while other schools are left with nothing. This year my childs class alone raised enough supplys for another schools whole entire kindergarten department when they had nothing.. I havent seen nor heard those teachers or students say a darn ungreatful word about what they were given. Tough times tough mesures but those kids are just as happy. So what may be crap to you may not be to another- so move over cus im gonna go buy all that i can to donate to someone who NEEDS/ WANTS it. Plus in my eyes while its nice to give the teacher a gift its also nice to give her/him something they can use.
“Plus in my eyes while its nice to give the teacher a gift its also nice to give her/him something they can use.”
That’s right…and not all teachers want/need dollar store stuff…the bottom line is this… either you care about what you’re giving your teacher or you don’t…if you don’t…go right ahead and buy all the cheap stuff you can…I’d rather spend my money (in whatever amount I could afford…small or large) on something the teacher would truly want…
In my daughter’s school, the students are given a list of items that they bring to class on the first day. One of those items is crayons. Each parent has the choice which crayons to buy. So, why would you give a teacher crayons? The supplies teachers in our school request are supplies like cleaning wipes, tissues, extra scissors, glue, paper towels. Not items the kids bring in and keep in each of their desks. If you want to give a “classroom” gift, what about books? Every one of my daughter’s teachers keep their own supply of books in the classroom. Why not add to that collection with a Scholastic purchase? They usually have 2 or 3 choices that are $3.00 or less. There’s usually also a $1.00 choice. This past Christmas, our current teacher bought presents for the entire class that way. She gave each of her students “The Dog Who Thought He Was Santa” by Bill Wallace. It was $1.00 in the December issue. It was a “frugal” way to shop but, not a “cheap” way…the entire class LOVED it!
As for what a teacher wants ~ there are teachers who won’t say a word about ANY gift they’ve received…they’ll be grateful for the 75th apple themed mug they’ve received…or the cheap dollar store crayons…they won’t say a word and they won’t get fired for being honest…those are the teachers I believe Anonymous #1 and I are speaking for…as the parent,*I* want to give them something personal..that they could use…in appreciation for their work with my kids…a gift for them alone..(not for the classroom)…that will bring a smile to their face…that can be done with any amount of money…it can be done “frugally” without being “cheap”…for my daughter’s teacher, I was able to do shop “frugally” with coupons I had but, I didn’t shop “cheaply”…in addition to our personal gift to her, the homeroom mom also collected a small amount from each parent for a gift card from the whole class for her…we got a gift card from Target…(a place we know she likes)…and while it may not have been “unique” or require a lot of “thought”…it was truly appreciated…and used…because she could get whatever she wanted there…I don’t know anyone who has ever been unhappy with a gift card…
Do you people even know the teachers your kids have? Have you ever held a conversation with them? Do you know what they like? It took my daughter all of 5 minutes of conversation to find out what her student teacher’s favorite things are. That is the point of gifts *I* give…not what will make ME happy but what will make the RECEIVER happy…and let’s be HONEST here, ladies…cause your “it’s the thought that counts” statements are great but, what would make you each happier? A gift card from your classroom to a store that you like…to use for yourself…or a bunch of classroom supplies?(of any quality)
As for Anonymous #3 ~ this thread started off being about a “teacher appreciation” gift…not about an entire school’s need for school supplies…I’m sure for poor districts in which the teacher has limited supplies as well as the children being in need, anything donated would be appreciated. That is a totally different discussion. If our district was in need that way, some of the thoughts on how to help that immediately come to mind are shopping at Target in early September…when all the school supplies go on clearance…I’d wait till 75% or 90% off and buy as many backpacks/supplies as I could to donate to those kids/teachers.
FYI, this thread was about being frugal. If you think that my post was done in poor taste, and you dont like it, then start your own blog. I will not tolerate any more comments on what YOU or anyone else think of my idea. OR, my readers idea. To each their own. I’m speaking from MY perspective. Yes, teachers dont make hardly anything; does that mean I should spend my limited budget on a gift card because that’s what they want?
My hubby serves his country. His life is on the line for you DAILY. In that aspect, I could toss the same back at you. Why would YOU, or others, send cheap and Free stuff to Soldiers then? Why not buy them am gift card? Why not buy them some great magazines, movies, etc? Why not send them a package once a month like I do? That’s what I thought. You want to complain about how poor teachers have it, I think you need to take a step down and realize that this is my blog. Not yours.
It makes MY child happy to make something from his or her HEART. Yes, we could all go and buy gift cards but what does that teach our kids? You bet, that it’s the material things that count. Which is exactly why we have a society of adults right now that think that everything is owed to them.
Last warning; take your comment and thoughts to another blog. They’re not appreciated on mine. And if you would have looked harder at the picture there were supplies but they also purchased gift cards for both BJ’s restaurant and Harkins Theater for her family.