PERFECT for anniversaries – Edible Arrangements is celebrating National Dipped Fruit Week. MMMMnnn!
This week, from 07/10 – 07/17, get a box of gourmet dipped fruit for $10.00 when you pick up the order in the store. The selection may vary between dipped Apple, Orange, Strawberries, Banana & Pineapple. This is what they say on Facebook:
NATIONAL DIPPED FRUIT WEEK has arrived! Order your $10 gourmet chocolate dipped fruit box today through July 17th! CA Fans visit for more details!
YUM-O. Definitely go for the apples, they are soooo good in chocolate!
My daughter LOVES this!!! Thanks for posting. I ordered one for her and one for my nephews B-day.
I used to work there. VERY dangerous job.