I have to be honest here – this morning I was aggravated that we have so much soap scum in the shower. My kids love to run outside sans shoes (we did that as kids too so I can’t really get mad…), therefore the dirty feet end up in the shower floor. It’s not bad at all, it’s just bad “to me”…. as much as I scrub a dubb dubb their feet when they come in, there are times that my little stinkers breeze right past mom.
So I shower, and as I shower I scrub and scrub – I know I’m not the only one who cleans the shower AS I shower… :) Anyways, the other day I got some Bar Keepers friend – heard it was fabulous, well tonight I’m determined to put it to the test… I haven’t tried it yet.
I was reading online about Bar Keepers friend and came across an interesting read by “The Manly Housekeeper” – he did an experiment, purchased a variety of cleaning items, and determined that Bar Keepers friend was THE item….. you ought to read it too… I’m giving this a shot.
Anyways – should you decide to jump on this bandwagon Fry’s has it for $2.39 – grab a $0.55/1 Bar Keepers Friend coupon on their site and clean your shower for $1.39 as well.
I have a way that I get soap scum off. WORKS EVERY TIME! Its seriously so amazing. I probably sang as I cleaned the tub. There was NO SCRUBBING INVOLVED! I sprayed it on, let it sit for a couple hours (ours was pretty nasty) and then simply wiped it away. BLUE Dawn dish soap and white vinegar. No joke. BEST STUFF EVER! I can post the actual recipe if anyone is interested :)
I’m interested!
That mixture is great for carpet stains, too.
Please do! What’s the ratio, and is there any specific Dawn formula you’re talking about, besides the color?
I would love to know too!!
Please do!
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Please please tell us, I constantly has scum I we even have a water softener!
Well, if not posting, why tease? :) Do share!
Please share! :-D
Cmon.. let us in on the secret! Its the dawn of a new frugal tip for sheryl’s blog!
my secret, It’s my husband’s only “housekeeping” job, the showers!
TY! I have been wanting to try this and the last time the Q was on coupons.com it wouldn’t print for me! Ugh….I’ve been having problems with Qs printing. :(
Would love to get the recipe for the Dawn/vinegar solution. I read something recently about using dawn with rubbing alcohol and water to make your own disinfecting wipes.
The mixture for the shower cleaner is half vinegar and half dawn. Heat the vinegar in the microwave, pour into spray bottle, add dawn and gently shake to incorporate. Works great!