Today is the day for REBATES galore! My gosh, my head is going to explode! The Kellogg’s Gas Rewards is back again!
Now… last year, many blogs posted this rebate, and Kellogg’s requested that it be “removed” from public websites .. which is why you didn’t find it on mine. Some sites kept it up, but per their request, I had taken it down. Hopefully they won’t request it be removed this year.. but just in case, I would print the info out now.
You can get a $10 pre-paid rewards MasterCard® that can be used for gasoline purchases when you make a Kellogg’s Cereal purchase from the following brands, size 10 oz. or larger mix & match.
Kellogg’s® All-Bran® Original® Kellogg’s® All-Bran® Bran Buds® Kellogg’s® All-Bran® Complete® Wheat Flakes® Kellogg’s® Smart Start® Strong Heart Antioxidant Kellogg’s Corn Flakes® Kellogg’s Raisin Bran® Kellogg’s® Raisin Bran® Crunch Kellogg’s Crispix® |
Kellogg’s® Product 19® Kellogg’s® Mueslix® Kellogg’s® Cracklin’ Oat Bran Kellogg’s® Lowfat Granola with Raisins Kellogg’s® Lowfat Granola without Raisins Kellogg’s® Lowfat Granola Original Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies® Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies® Gluten Free |
To accomplish the rebate, you must send in:
- (10) UPCs from the above cereals… 10 oz or larger, mix & match
- This order form
Mail to:
MAIL TO: • Kellogg’s™ Gas Rewards Card
P O Box 7299
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-7299
Terms: You can get 5 Gas Cards per household, you must be 18 years of age or older, and the submission must be postmarked by 04/30 & received by 05/07. To check on the status of your rebate head to:
WOW–just UPC’s, very cool!
Yep, looked & re-read the form a million times, didnt see any mention of receipt, unless i’m blind… which could be possible. LOL
does this mean if i have plenty of these boxes at home i dont have to repurchase????
YAYYYYY!!! I did this last year, and got FOUR $5.00 Visa cards to use anywhere! I don’t think I’ve ever been SO excited to buy cereal. It was a win/win for the teenagers. Wake up, eat cereal, go out (3 teenage drivers), come home, and eat more cereal. LOL!
LOL tha’ts the funniest comment I have seen for a long time!
That reminds me, I never received my gas card from last year! Maybe this year I’ll have better luck with it.
Still waiting on my gas card too. *fingers still crossed. :)
If this is the AARP gas card reward you may want to read the fine print on their website because I think it does say you’re not supposed to post it. If not, then nevermind. I did the AARP one last year and yes you just need to send the UPC’s and the form. It took about a month to get the card in the mail. It seemed faster than the $5 one.
Yea! I ran out of time before we left for the holidays and didn’t get my rebate submitted for 2011. BUT, I kept the UPCs, just in case I could use them in the future. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
never done this before, can anyone help me out please? the upcs are the ones found on the receipts right? it says 10 so that means 10 receipts???
UPCs are the ones on the box – flip the box upside down & they are the white UPCs on the bottom. No receipt needed =)
so i just cut them and them those???? or just write them down? thank you
cut them off the box, and send the actual UPC in –
This will be my first time doing something like this. So, since I only printed 2 of the $4/4 coupons, then I would only have 8 upc’s (so I wouldn’t qualify for the 10 upc’s). Is it still a good deal just using the coupons w/o receiving the $10 card? So, $7.92 for 8 boxes of cereal and 2 gallons of milk, right?
Also, do you have to split the transactions in order to get a free gallon of milk with every 4 boxes?