I got an email from Kara, a reader down in Sierra Vista, just the other day – she is a pretty crafty lady. She makes her own Rice Heating pads (which I posted the other day HERE). Awesome idea for gifts!
As many of you know, I’m a cloth diapering mom… and in addition to cloth diapers I also use cloth wipes. I made them a few years ago for my daughter when she was born and they’re still going strong! It really has saved me from spending money on baby wipes, and also helps me in my quest to live a little “greener” – even though we can get wipes free at times (Kandoo) I typically give my coupons to a good friend of mine just because I’m that dead-set against purchasing throw-away items.
Some of you, however, may not be crafty with the sewing machine – or, you just want to make your own wipes, and your own solution. Kara has taken care of that by providing us a recipe!
Homemade Baby Wipe Solution I recently received the greatest baby gift. Someone gave us some homemade baby wipes and the recipe to make our own. I had read about this and was dying to try them! The recipe is a little different than the one I found. It is a little soapy for my preference, but I haven’t tried the other one to truly compare. I’m sending both so that your readers can decide for themselves. Here’s the recipe what I’m using now (see picture).
Cut Bounty paper towel roll in half with serrated knife or electric knife. Mix above ingredients in container and place paper towel roll inside. Twist cardboard from inside towel roll up and out, and insert towel end through slit in top of container. It looks like they melted a whole through the center of the lid. I’m not sure what type of tool would do that. The other recipe is as follows:
Here are some more frugal living ideas & resources:
Weeds in the Yard? Some Homemade Solutions!
Determining Stock Up Price…On Toilet Paper & More!
Extra Baby Oil? Lets Put to Good Use!
Frugal Friday: TOOTHPASTE!
Thanks Kara!
When my last few kiddos were little, I switched to cloth. I used baby wash cloths or cut swaddling blankets (the thin felt ones) for wipes. I used a recipe I’d found online then (when AOL was like “it”) that called for water, a bit of baby shampoo, and a few drops each of lavender and tea tree essential oils. It didn’t smell fabulous but worked very well. The cloth kids had far fewer rashes than the disposable diapered kids.
I loved the all-in-ones I was able to get back then, I know they’re way more common now, but the hemp diapers I was fortunate to have been given were the best diapers ever – they got softer and more absorbent the more we used them. They were my nighttime diapers. :c)
i too am a cloth diapering mom- so far, pocket dipes and AIOs are our faves.
My solution for wipes is 1 tbsp of dr. Bronner’s, 1 tsp olive oil or baby oil, a couple of drops of tea tree oil and a drop or two of GSE and 1 cup of water. I use different dr. bronner scents, but rose and citrus are my faves! :)
What is GSE?
grapefruit seed extract. great for a bazillion things!!!
This I may try….being that I just totally stocked up on paper towels with the mega!
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. And what is Dr. Bronner’s? I’m new to this cloth diapering and homemade wipes thing. Thanks!
dr. bronners is an all in one castille based liquid soap. also great for a bazillion things. we use it for lots of stuff.
How do you use cloth wipes? dry with a spray or wet with solution in a container? If they are wet in a container, how does that process work and will they get moldy?
Thank You so much! My son is potty training so we rarely us wipes but when we do it’s a hassle to buy them, plus they’re expensive! So this has been great we’ve been making our own, plus they seem to work so much better. we’ll never go back to buying them again.
I’ve altered the amounts of the solution after finding the original solution was a little too soapy. Here’s what I found works best:
2 Tbsp. baby oil
1 Tbsp. rubbing alcohol
1/2 Tbsp. baby body wash or shampoo
1 1/2 C Water
Hope this helps!