Over the last few years i have shared this multiple times on the blog – I actually ran out last night & had to make some more. It truly is the best shower cleaner solution you will ever use.
I try not to buy commercial cleaners, as with 4 kids, someone always has their hands in the flashy colored bottles – no matter how high or out of reach I keep them. .. my 2 year old is a Ninja at climbing and getting into almost every household area.
Grab a used spray bottle (I use the Lysol one in the picture and have now for 2 years). If you choose to buy a spray bottle in the store, make sure you do not go for the ‘cheap’ one – as the plastic will melt with the hot vinegar.
Grab Vinegar, and Blue Dawn Dish Soap, and give this a whirl:
- 10 oz. Blue Dawn Dish Soap (we use the Blue or Green)
- 12 oz. Vinegar – head in the microwave OR on the stove
Heat the Vinegar 2-3 minutes until hot. Then, pour the Dawn into the spray bottle first, then use a funnel to add the vinegar in – gently turn to combine. You do not need to re-heat the mixture when you use.
Simply hang in the shower and spray the shower after each use – for a more heavy duty cleaner, spray the shower thoroughly and let sit overnight (the solution does smell – so if you use it, try to do when you’re not using the adjacent room).
One thing to note: I prefer the BLUE Dawn – in this case today, I did not have any left, so I used the green. But the Blue is Phosphate Free – so is a little safer to use.
Do you rinse it or just spray and walk away? Seems like you’re saying do the same thing for both the everyday use and the heavy duty cleaning, only use more for heavy duty? Won’t it be sitting overnight anyhow if you don’t rinse it? Just trying to clarify because I’d really like to try it!
This stuff is awesome! I spray my shower and toilet bowl, turn the fan on and close the door and walk away (it stinks really really bad), i’ll come back a couple hours later and lightly scrub it down mostly just to get all the blue off and to make sure it’s really clean, then rinse with water. I don’t do the daily spray just because it smells so bad.
My parents do house flipping so they get in and clean some of these houses and i told her about this cleaner, they finally used it and couldn’t believe how clean it got the tub/shower, they didn’t need to replace it after all, it just needed a good cleaning and this did it without a lot of elbow grease.
This is great! I am happy to find a safer alternative that actually works! I hope you don’t mind, but I would love to share this recipe on my blog fitmomyoga.com, crediting/linking back to your post!
You sure can, Jennifer. Thanks!
*Sheryl Cuevas*
Blogger & Founder, The Cents’Able Shoppin
p:480-254-2785 | e:centsableshoppin@gmail.com | w: https://www.thecentsableshoppin.com
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