Folks – it’s back again and with more stock for those of you who missed it the other day! You can get Disney PJ Pals Pajamas for $5.00 from Disney & Shop at Home folks!
- Just head over to Shop at Home.
- Look for the WILD Offer
- Click “Buy now” – PJ”s are $12.00, use code MCQUEEN to take off $3 (you pay $9)
- Drop it in your cart
- Pay $9, & you will earn $4 in your Shop at Home Account
That makes the PJ’s just $5.00 after the Shop at Home credit!
Shop at Home works very easy – once you get to $20 in Rewards, they will send you a check. The deal won’t last all day – it only goes until they sell out or run out of stock.
Thanks SwagGrabber!
Sweet! My grandson loves that movie, but what kid probably doesn’t..:)
I entered the code MCQUEEN and it said code already been used.