Got this great one from Reader Summer. Now I know that we probably have some ‘puter folks out there that aren’t keen on buying from Daily Steals, but in all honesty – this is a GREAT deal for the “average” person who needs a laptop, or those of you with kids who are asking for one.
I just showed my hubbs and he was like “yeah, good deal for the average person yeah”. I think it’s a steal.
You can get a Dell Latitude 14.1” D630 Laptop with 1.8 GHz Processor, 2 GB Ram, 80 GB Hard Drive & CD-RW/DVD Drive for $199.99 (list $599.99) + FREE Ship from Daily Steals.
I have bought from this site before – they are legit. Some of their items are factory recertified, but most (like this laptop) come with a warranty.
Thanks Summer!
I have had good luck with this site as well. Just received a watch I purchased with a retail value of $995 for $49.00. It is gorgeous! I verified the retail value using the internet-and $995 WAS the retail value. Thanks for the tip!
As a computer user I was reading the description of this. First off, the warranty is shoddy. Only 90 days. It is refurbished, which is shown by the factory RECERTIFICATION. For an average user.. I say buyer beware. An average user doesnt know how to deal with computer issues. An average user will end up saving up front, but paying in the long run for tech help and down time with this baby. I have to say that in my personal experience this is not a bargain. The warranty and refurb status make it a VERY questionable deal.