Struggling to get through the myriad of rebates lately? Then this should make you happy :) I put together all the major rebates that are current right now at this point in time.
Obviously there are probably many more – but this should cover those that are more prevalent than others.
P&G Olympic Rebate
$10 for Spending $50
::: Purchases 4/29 – 6/5, Postmark by 7/5 :::
P&G – Thank you Mom, Revealing the Champion
$10 for Spending $40 in ONE Transaction
::: Purchases 6/1 – 8/31, Postmark by 9/7 :::
P&G Save Time. Gas. Money. Smart Solutions for You.
$10 for Spending $25 on ONE Receipt.
::: Purchases 1/1 – 6/30, Postmark by 7/21 :::
Put all the UPC info on an index card with the original receipts and all your information, but be sure to keep copies of your receipts just in case, and send to
HBC 10.00 Rebate offer
PO Box 49109
Strongsville, OH 44149-0109Include:
Mailing address
Phone #
e-mail address
the name of the item, price, and UPCAlign, Always, Aussie, Bounce, Bounty, Braun, Camay, Cascade, Charmin, Cheer, Clairol, Clearblue Easy, CoverGirl, Crest, Dawn, Downy, Dreft, Duracell, Era, Febreze, Fixodent, Gain, Gillette, Gleem, Glide, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essence, Hydrience, Iams, Ivory, Joy, Luvs, Metamucil, Mr. Clean, Natural Instincts, Nice & easy, Olay, Old Spice, Oral B, Pampers, Pantene, Pepto, Prilosec OTC, Puffs, Pur, Safeguard, Scope, Secret, Swiffer, Tampax, Tide AND Vicks
Black Magic Car Care
B1G1 FREE Black Magic Car Care through June 30, 2012.
::: Valid through 6/30 :::
From the Front Line to the Finish Line
Gift Card for Various Items based on amt spent
::: Purchases 5/16 – 6/30 :::
**Military Only
CoverGirl & Olay
$10 for Spending $20 in Select Products
::: Valid 5/25 – 7/8, Postmark by 8/8 :::
Smirnoff – $25 off Groceries by Mail
$25.00 off Groceries *
::: Valid on Purchases through 9/30 :::
AmeriGas Cylinder Exchange or Purchase
$3 off 1 Mail in Rebate
::: Valid through 4/2013 :::
Science Diet Ideal Dry Pet Food
Mail in Rebate, valid for up to $12.99.
::: Valid through 12/31 :::
Armor All Extreme Shield Wax
Mail in Rebate for $10 Back by Mail when you buy Armor All Extreme Shield Wax
::: Valid through 12/31 :::
Spectracide – $2, $4 or $6 Back
Send in for $2, $4 or $6 Rebate
::: Valid 6/1 – 9/30 :::
5W-30 Bio Based Synthetic G-Oil
$26 back in the form of a mail in rebate.
::: Valid 6/7 – 7/7 :::
The rebate for time gas and money $10 on $25. is it just any p and g item?
Thank you!
*Answered my own question but not sure how to delete my comment. lol
That is something I’m not sure of – I know that the rebate came from Heather who is stationed in Japan I do believe at the moment.
I can find out.
The Front of the line P&G on the website just says only for Exchanges and Commissaries. Doesn’t have restrictions as to where.
Thanks Heatherl :) Was hoping you’d respond!
Thanks for the rebate list. Quick question, are the P&G rebates for certain participating retailers only?
with the cover girla nd olay do u have to buy one of each or can i just buy cover girl?
one of each i do believe
The P&G for “thank you mom” says from UNITED. Is this a store somewhere? The terms keep mentioning UNITED, I don’t want to forfeit my Fry’s receipt if this isn’t valid for this offer…thanks.
I just received a denial from a rebate the P&G SAVE TIME FAS MONEY SMART SOLUTIIONS FOR YOU. The denial stated the receipt was from a non participating retailer. I shoped at CVS . I just wanted to ask you if you knew were I should have shoped for this? The denial letter didn’t indicate were. Thank you Lucy Mae
Does anyone know a website to check for the Smirnoff Rebate?