Bear with me folks……I am not a “Crocs” gal (well, up until today!), but a reader emailed me today, excited for the deal she got on Crocs online and wanted to share with the readers of Cents’Able Shoppin (Thanks Koren!)
Each day in December, Cros is running a “Deal of the Day” – and today? You can get the Gabby Style for $5.99 after discount & promo code eddiesco11 – which is more than 60% off the regular price, with FREE economy shipping thru December.
Even better is that Cross is running a BOGO 50% off sale right now – so you add TWO pairs of shoes to your cart, enter the code, and STILL get free shipping. Make your own sale.
Man, I have never considered getting “Crocs” for my daughter……seriously, you’re looking at a lady who shops at the thrift store for my kids. I had NO IDEA that I could have Crocs for $5.99 ea……. odd as it sounds. Koren, thanks for opening up mi OJITOS! (my little eyes!)
Word before you get started: I don’t usually post “Croc” deals – this one is late in the day, so yes, they are picked over. They DO still have *some* left, but not a huge selection. If you can get the size you need you have it made.
I’ll make sure to get myself on track to post future Croc deals so y’all don’t miss out :)
Koren, thanks for the heads up!
I just saw crocs (and man I love crocs–the cute ones not the huge garden ones) at Big Lots for $10.00. This is a steal! I usually pay 30+. They also had kids but I didnt check the price. They were on an end cap in the xmas decor if anyone happens to go there. :)
ooooh I haven't been to big lots in a LONG time. I used to live next to one in Cali and here in AZ I have to drive FAR to get to one. I think it's on Greenfield somewhere. I used to love that store.
I jumped on this earlier… I think this is one of their better sales, at least for me since I am only interested in the mary jane style.
The Mary Janes are $7.99 with the code and B1G1 50% off too.. we ended up with 4 pairs (2 for me and 2 for my mom for just under $26!!
Oh and Our Big lots (I still call it MacFrugals)… usually has a random selection of Crocs too, but never any that would work for me or my boys… but I do check each time I am there!
I just scored 2 pairs of the Gabby shoes for $10.38! pluss free shipping. The site says you must order today to get them by 12/24. These shoes will make cute gifts for my neices. Hurry all I saw was the black color left for the children's sizes.
It would be a good deal if I had midget feet….but I don't….I have ginormous unladylike feet! :(
I got in just in time to order a purple and a black pair for my toddler. Between the princess dresses and the crocs, Santa Sheryl ROCKS.
Thanks! Just got 2 pairs for my daughter's next 2 sizes! Luckily there were black left….often times all that is left when i get in on this type of deal is neon green or something like that! It also gives you the chance at check out to donate to Feed the Children, and says that for every donation Crocs will donate a pair of shoes to a needy child. I thought it was a great opportunity to make a $1 donation go far!
thanks! I didn't score on the Gabby shoes which really sucks cause I hate crocs but I would probably get those since they are kinda cutesy and they are BLACK!! yeah!! my fave color, BUT my feet and girls' feet (we wear the same size) were way too big for the sizes available. so sad :( I did score on the Mary Jane's and paid 14.98 for 2 pairs which I am going to use as a gift for my mom and for myself FOR SOME REASON the 20% off didnt work on my order… I will have to call them i guess at a reasonable hour haha instead of 2:30 am which is when I am usually awake and doing my online thing!
and the only reason I am getting a pair for myself is cause my rocket dog shoes which I use to run around in…have finally had it…. today when it rained the water was coming into my shoes from the bottom!