I love Pillow Pets and I will admit (embarrassingly enough) I DO sleep with the Bumble Bee at night. Haha – I DO! I DO! It’s my son’s and he cuddles with me so we share our pillow.
Collections, Etc. has Pillow Pets – 4 select types – for $9.97 + FREE Ship when you enter code 3LH3D1C. There is a processing fee of $1.25, but that’s cheaper than you’ll find those bad boys at Kohls.
I think I paid $20 for each, had a Kohl’s coupon so got a few bucks off. I actually didn’t even pay for them – some lady in line heard Wendy crying for her Dad and bought them for me because her son was in Iraq at the time Dave was. Such a nice gesture.. if you know me you know I dislike feeling obligated, but all I could do is offer her my coupons.
Folks, you can go through Ebates OR Shop at Home for 4% Cash Back as well – make it a better deal.
Sheryl, don’t be embarrassed… I have my OWN pillow pet! my hubby bought me the zebra one whike he was worki.g out of state .. And I use it every night!! Haha :-)
Sorry about the spelling.. My phone is not being nice to my thumbs!
I also have a pillow pet! My husband bought me the valentines dog this year, and he works over nights! It gives me something to cuddle!
woohoo thanks so much been wanting to get one for my daughter for xmas…I should’ve ordered myself one too but I want a dolphin :o)
Thanks so much!! Got 2 more Christmas gifts :-)
Thank you so much. My kids have been wanting them so bad, but I really couldn’t see paying $40 for pillows when we’re broke. You made my day.
I guess it’s too late now. The shipping code says it’s expired..:-(
Well if you are spending $40, I found out this code works for free shipping: 3K5HD1. Unfortunately I only want 2 pillow pets so I am continuing to search for free shipping with no minimum! If anyone finds it, please share!
Whoops..I mean this is the code for free shipping over $40: 3K742N
This code will give you 99 cent shipping…not as good as free, but it still saves you 6 dollars.
LOL my teen wants the giraffe. The pillow pet site yu get the big one and the little one for 19.99. I am holding out for a better deal so I hope you find the giraffe cheap somewhere…
I TOTALLY want one of these – for ME.
Hey, check out the T-shirts – there’s one that has a large note on the front “I’ve got a coupon for that.” And, it’s on clearance for $6.97.