This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday. Which is perfect as it opens up the possibilities of how and where to celebrate with your one and only.
But hold on… because when you have kids, it can be hard to find a Babysitter….. not to mention a babysitter can cost an arm and leg.
Let’s be real, on top of dinner or whatever your date is going to cost (it doesn’t have to cost much here are some of our best loved frugal date ideas) — a lot of us just don’t have anyone we trust with our kids or just can’t afford it.
And don’t forget the POGO Pass makes a GREAT option for date night, too! Even more, the entire family can participate in the date night and you can still spend time with those you love the most.
So how do we celebrate Valentine’s day when we don’t have a sitter? Here are some great ideas we’ve found.
Put the kids to bed EARLY
I’m not saying put the poor kids to bed by 6pm but a lot of us let the kids stay up a little later on weekends. I suggest, tiring them out with outdoor activities since we have such gorgeous weather right now and putting them to bed at their normal time. Whether that is 7:30pm, 8pm or 9pm, just keep them on their normal schedule.
This will free up time for you and your spouse. Once the kids are in a deep sleep, then make your bedroom your mini getaway. Nothing says romance as candles and have you dabbled in massage oils? Get creative but make it special and you do not have to break the bank while doing it.
How about floating candles in the tub? Set of 12 Heart Shaped floating candles for $10.
Rose Petals on the bed? Get 300 for $7 when you head to Amazon – and they ship FREE. .. (since we’re just a few days away they probably won’t arrive in time.. so keep that in mind!) You can ALSO find them at the 99 Only store, too!
Celebrate Early
If we as parents know ANYTHING.. we know that it is best to plan stuff ahead ~ we need to be flexible. Do you have a flexible work schedule? Does it allow for you or the husband or both to maybe take the morning off? Before you jump all over me about missing work and therefore money, this is only when it works out for you. Do you have personal time to take? Sometimes a nice quiet breakfast at home or at a nice restaurant is really refreshing.
Take your time over your meal, talk, reconnect, go for a walk at a local park or ahem go home and take advantage of a quiet house.
Meet for Lunch
Surprise the significant other by picking them up at their job for a picnic lunch. We have the best weather in the nation right now, and nothing is as romantic as picnic lunch. Sure you have to go back to the real world in 45-60 minutes but its really important to have this time alone even if its not on Valentine’s Day to maybe get the fire started for some late night fun.
You can also go out for lunch but it can get busy at the Lunch hour rush but even then a meal where all you have to do is focus on each other is a wonderful thing. Don’t forget to turn off that cell phone for the duration of the meal! You can check out Local Dines for dining certificate discounts to help you save on your meal, or see HERE for more deals.
Plan a Special Dinner
Who says Dinner has to be at 6pm? After you put the kids to bed at their normal time, break out the candles, the romantic music (low) and have a romantic dinner just the two of you. This does not have to be steak and lobster, who can afford that anyway? But you can whip up a favorite meal that you usually don’t make for the kids or something you both use to go love to eat when you were dating (yes think that far back!).
Feeling guilty about not including the kids? Well how about making them a special dessert with this great Fondue Melting pot and saving some chocolate for you and your significant other to enjoy afterwards?
Buy a Valentine
Cards are not just for kids! Sneak a card in your significant others briefcase, lunch or under the pillow. Profess your love or just be naughty, have fun with it. We get in a rut of just communicating about the needs of the family, what bill is due next, what broke down at the house… Take this time to talk about LOVE.
It falls on a Sunday this year, not a Saturday by the way.