If you are looking for a custom Photo Canvas for Christmas, the Canvas People is offering 80% off their Canvas prices, and FREE shipping over $50.
Great time to pick up 1 for each grandparent. ..and one for you to! Grab a 16×20 Canvas Print for just $19.20, or go a step up and get the 18×24 for $21.
Shipping is free if you hit $50 – so you can knock out several for the cost of what one was before their sale.
Should you pick up 2, and then 1 smaller canvas you can reach $50 and score FREE shipping as well.
I would recommend using a high quality photo for this – to ensure it turns out top speed. This is actually the cheapest you’ll pay for a 16×20– I haven’t seen this size canvas for this price, normally they run $40-$45 if they are on special.
Ok, I tried doing this deal and got the 80% off and am well over the $50, but it won’t give me free shipping. Do you know if I need to do something additional?? It wants to charge me $20 for EACH canvas! This deal is AMAZING if I can get the free shipping as well!!
I can’t seem to get their system to mark my canvases down 80%??? I added 1 to my cart so far and it shows up at regular price. Is there a coupon code that I am missing?
No code – it’s advertised on their front page; you have to go through my link though to get the 80%. If you go to their site directly you dont get the discounted price.
The email I received back from their customer service stated no free shipping on the 80% off (even though it stated it) The 60% off deal you just posted does work though with the free shipping. Not as cheap, but still a good deal.
Sorry – I am a partner with Canvas People and they emailed 80% off and free ship over $50 ….. looks like they need to pay attention to their offers a bit more; I’m sorry :(