Groupon is offering a 16×20 Custom Gallery Wrap Canvas for $27.99 + FREE shipping… or buy 2 and score them both for $49.99 – just $25 each. This is one of the best prices you’ll see on a canvas of this size… and is also how I scored the canvas prints for my kids in my living room.
You can buy up to 2 per person and 1 as a gift – shipping is included (with exception of Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Alaska).
This is the best price you will see for a canvas of this size – normally they run $35 or greater with a sale.
I’ve actually purchased this deal in the past….can’t go wrong for the price…except make sure to ask for “no color correction” if your image has been edited AND ask for image wrap, otherwise they will blur the edges to wrap around instead of wrapping the actual image around the ends. The trick around their website is to NOT click on the prompts given on the home page “if you have a code” instead create an order without codes and then at the checkout process enter code, otherwise it will funnel you through a process of creating a product specifically targeted towards GroupOn shoppers rather than the usual quality they offer regular shoppers. If you are a professional photographer the quality of the product may disappoint you, its not as good as well known professional labs…however, for the general consumer its an economical way to spruce up a wall. Anyway…I learned this the hard way. On the up side, when you call them their customer service is great!