Oh my GOSH!!!! Are you in Cali? Then get on it with a quickness! I know I have some Cali readers!
Coastal Contacts is giving away FREE Prescription Glasses to those of you in California – here’s how it works:
:: Go HERE to Coastal Contacts on Facebook
:: Get your Code (FREE)
:: On February 10th, go HERE to Coastal Contacts – make sure that you have your updated prescription and PD ready, and enter your discount code at checkout. Be aware that the glasses will be free, but you will pay for S&H ($10 – $15) – not a bad trade off for FREE glassses : )
That’s it! Much thanks to Jocelyn for the heads up!
You are more than welcome! I did this a couple of weeks ago and got designer glasses worth $330 for just $12 shipped :)
(My infant broke my glasses and this was suchhh a blessing I just wanted to share)
<3 the new webpage btw