Those of you who are like (my hubby) and like to have perfection in the Garage, but don’t mind color so much, Cabela’s has the G-Floor Garage Floor Floor Protector 7 1/2’ x 17’ for $4.88 (from $209.00)- GREEN COLOR.
That’s a 98% savings folks.
It’s shipped directly from the manufacturer 3-4 weeks time – shipping is FREE. Not sure if this particular color is just not selling or a price mistake, but hey, doesn’t hurt to try.
Don’t forget to buy it thru ebates!!!!
Darn didn’t see this in time! Oh well Hopefully I get my sweet deal :)
this is a great deal! Hope it goes through ok?
So sad, just got an email saying it was a mistake and they will not honor my order.
I bought 2! We just totally cleaned out our garage- this was like fate:-)
So far I got the confirmation and all looks good! 10.26 for 2!!
OH boy!!! I ordered some for my hubby. Sure hope it works :O)
I just ordered it!!! $10.40 great deal :)
look like they are gone
I just bought 2 and used a gift card so nothing out of pocket!!! So excited since we are reorganizing the garage!!!
Got mine :) awesome deal!
I just called the number provided to find out what happened. It was supposed to be $209 and it was accidentally posted as $4.88. The customer service Rep said that they will either honor it, or be in touch with me within a few days to bribe me with something else (most likely a gift card). Score either way
I don’t want a gift card, I want a floor protector!
You can call in the purchase at the number and it comes out at the same deal. Thank you!
Thank you for your recent order for the G-Floor Garage Floor Protector in the green color. Unfortunately, due to the reason(s) listed below, your order was cancelled; no charges were made to your credit card.
We strive to be certain our catalog and Online store are both accurate, in word and in pictures; however, should any errors inadvertently appear, we reserve the right to correct them. This is communicated in our catalogs on the information page, as well as on the Online Store under the Customer Service section.
An obvious systems error, which has been corrected, did have the Green floor protector shown online at a price of $4.88 instead of the correct price of $209.99. The remaining five color options were priced correctly.
Cabela’s sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience and confusion this unintentional error has caused.
Cabela’s Customer Service
Sometimes that is just the way it goes. oh well maybe next time.
I got emails from other customers responding to the canceled orders:( so this company is clearly not reliable!! Now our email addresses are being shared:(
Yeah this is a NO go. And I am getting e-mails from EVERYONE that is doing a ‘reply to all’. It is bad enough that they screwed up on the pricing, now all of the e-mails are a mess. Not nice.
Thank you for your recent order for the G-Floor Garage Floor Protector in the green color. Unfortunately, due to the reason(s) listed below, your order was cancelled
An obvious systems error, which has been corrected, did have the Green floor protector shown online at a price of $4.88 instead of the correct price of $209.99. The remaining five color options were priced correctly
Darn had a cancelation email this morning!
same here :(