Many of you are daily deal site savvy, and with that comes the chance of letting deals that you have purchased expire because it’s simply too hard to keep track of them by going to every single site every day.
Take for example: ME. I let a $30 Totsy Voucher expire Monday … simply because I forgot. Was I mad? Definitely, but is nothing I can do now.. so I’ll live with it.
CityPockets is a site that keeps ALL of your deal vouchers in one place – They automatically import all your daily deal vouchers from various deal sites so you can keep track of them in one spot. You can set up voucher expiration reminders so you don’t forget about them. If you can’t use a deal you bought, recoup your money by selling your deal in the CityPockets Marketplace.
Starting today for two weeks, anyone who signs up on CityPockets will receive $10 free credits to BuyWithMe (*must be new BuyWithMe accounts)– to get in on the deal, sign up with CityPockets, then go HERE to link your account & earn $10.00.
Thank you so much! You must have read my mind! Yesterday I sat and wrote all my deals down from different sites and was going to put them on one sheet on my desktop and you saved me all the trouble. This site is great!
This deal is already expired. If you go to the link to get the promo code it says that due to overwhelming demand they are out of the $10 buy with me vouchers. :(
You had to sign up that day… You are two days late.
Anyone having trouble with this? citypockets tells me I have a credit with buywithme but when I log in, I don’t…