If your kids are gamers, this is a great deal with the Gift Card option – even more, it has Wifi, Email & Social Networking along with it, so it’s a nice gift for the kids without having to obligate you to get more things for them.
Best Buy has the Nintendo 3DS for $169.99 + a FREE $50 Gift Card to Best Buy + FREE Shipping. Guaranteed Christmas Delivery on this as well. This is cheaper than the Toys R Us deal……. on the same item.
Here are a few features:
-No glasses needed to see 3D
-Compatible with most if not all the old DS games
-Ability to take 3D photos – In fact the 3DS has 3 different cameras. One in the front to take face pictures and 2 on the back. The 2 lenses in the back can be used in conjunction to form one 3D photo or can take regular pictures.
-Unlike old DS systems, this one will let you play mp3s. The old ones needed to be converted to AAC.
-Internet/Email/Social Networking
-Ability to watch 3D movies w/o glasses
-Standard SD card can be used for storage (2 GB included)
-Comes with a charger cradle to simply drop your 3DS in the cradle to charge.
-Circle pad
-Augmented Reality Cards and Face Raiders are some of the included software that show off the 3D ability.
Shopping through Ebates will grant up to 3.6% Cash Back on your purchase as well. Shop with your Discover card & get 10% Cash Back.
Wow, I didn’t know they could do ALL THAT!! NOW I see what all the hype is about! :)
I didnt know that either LOL, until I just told Dave as I posted it. He was like “Watch, Wendy will want it for Xmas.” Sure enough, she woke up, walked by my computer as I posted and goes “Mom! I want that!”
Hahaha! Kids! Soooo predictable! ;) It’s like a mini computer/phone w/o the phone part….my girls would LOVE it! Oh well….Christmas and birthdays are already taken care of. :)
Thank you for posting! We just bought for our girls and I know they will love them!! We will have the gift cards in time to go buy a few games. Thanks again for all you do Sheryl!
Thank you. We’ve been looking for DS deals for my daughter. We were going to go for the dsi, but I may go with the 3D afterall.
I was just looking at game stop website they have a bundle for a pink one at a decent price.
Got mine……….and taking back the one to Target for $169 w/$20 gift card..I’ll take $169 with a $50 card and save $30 more $$$$$$$