Crocs continues their December daily deals with Children’s Starfish Crocs at $9.99 (regularly $29.99) – BOGO 50% off. Even better, they’re offering free shipping on ground & economy! You can get 2 pairs of Children’s Starfish Crocs for $14.98 – or just $7.49 ea. & free shipping. To make it even better, you can through Ebates[Read More…]
Crocs Daily Deal….Children's Starfish Crocs $7.49 & Free Shipping!
Ladies….A Little TLC for our Hands!
Ladies, time to give those hands a little bit of TLC! Have dry hands? I do! If you look at my hands, you’d think I was 80 years old……..yeah, seriously…. So lets make some nice Sugar Scrub “on the Freap”! Take a cup of sugar, and add a tiny bit of olive oil, a little[Read More…]
Getting Creative with Candles (and those 2-liter Soda Bottles!)
How CUTE! I got these pictures late last week on my phone – from a reader out in Peoria – she got “creative” with her candles! See the picture on the left, above? It’s those FREE Air Wick candles from Target! HOW ADORABLE is that?! The picture on the right are “Elves” – using 2[Read More…]
3 Readers, BIG Savings = Savvy Shopper!
How ’bout that Saturday Afternoon bling? So today is Saturday.Saturday = SAVVY SHOPPER – or, as I would say it “Savv-ay Shop-pa!” Our Saturday Savvy Shopper happens to be 3 different readers! Edna, Pina & Anthony! Edna says: So I just got back from my Fry’s run…….OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I saved a whoppin’ 99% WHOA DANG!!!!!!! Look[Read More…]
Want to be a Scientist? Lets Make our OWN Febreze Fabric Refresher!
It has been a LONG TIME since I have done Frugal Friday. For all of you new readers, I have a wholllleeee thread on Frugal Living. Go HERE to read allll about it. (And don’t think I’m a wacko, I’m just really cheap). Do you like Febreeze? I don’t know …I go back & forth[Read More…]
There’s still hope! Pillow Pets as low as $11.67 Shipped!
If you’re still in the market for Pillow Pets then there is still hope!! Those buggars are $$$ at Walgreens, I just went there and oh my b-golly $19.99 and they call that a “deal?” I’m not sure what planet they’re on but definitely not in my Universe! Collections, Etc. has (the real) Pillow Pets[Read More…]
There's still hope! Pillow Pets as low as $11.67 Shipped!
If you’re still in the market for Pillow Pets then there is still hope!! Those buggars are $$$ at Walgreens, I just went there and oh my b-golly $19.99 and they call that a “deal?” I’m not sure what planet they’re on but definitely not in my Universe! Collections, Etc. has (the real) Pillow Pets[Read More…]
In the Market for a Keurig?!
I know some of you have asked me this last week for any good deals on them, and I really never looked at them too hard until then — I do like my occassional cup of coffee, I just don’t understand what a Keurig really does! (Don’t think I’m a weirdo…I just don’t understand the[Read More…]
Retail Round Up!
That is me. This is how I feel anyways…. Here are just a few items & quick summary of the online deals you will find out there today. Keep in mind many retailers are offering FREE shipping….. if you still have shopping to do, you may just want to do it now if you want[Read More…]
Lowe’s Gift-A-Thon Starts 8 a.m. AZ Time!
Those of you who participated in Lowe’s Gift-A-Thon several weeks ago….good news! It’s BACK! Lowe’s is giving away thousands & thousands of items at 90% off in just a little bit!! Some are big ticket items. Woot! They only give away a few hundred of each item, and the items will go VERY quickly so you[Read More…]
Lowe's Gift-A-Thon Starts 8 a.m. AZ Time!
Those of you who participated in Lowe’s Gift-A-Thon several weeks ago….good news! It’s BACK! Lowe’s is giving away thousands & thousands of items at 90% off in just a little bit!! Some are big ticket items. Woot! They only give away a few hundred of each item, and the items will go VERY quickly so you[Read More…]