What a great email I got from Sandy the other day. Let me tell you…I had to grab a cup of coffee and relax to read this one. It was A-MAZ-ing Seriously amazing. You could tell she had JUST gotten home from a FREAPTASTIC trip and was still high on the “freapness”.
I head out to target first. Found some awesome deals! AND since I know how much you love pics…well I took some. First find was the Venus Embrace Razor: $2.48 (on an end cap with other clearance items). Then I found the Dove Men+Care body & face wash: $1.98 (in the body wash aisle). Lastly, I found the Oral B Advantage Toothbrush: $1.48 (in the toothbrush aisle). I carry my accordion folder everywhere I go so I used …. so I ended up getting all this plus the Olay, 2 Degree Deod and a Sally Nail Treatment for $4.75 OOP and got back the $5 gift card and more Revlon beauty tools coupons for next time
Second stop–CVS. I really just wanted to scan my card, since it happened to be near Target…Sooo glad I did! The no-love-for-me red machine spit out $5 ECB. It said it was for purchasing $50 of beauty products. Hmmm, I don’t remember buying $50 worth of beauty products (even with coupons) but who am I to argue! LOL So I combined it with my $5 ECB from the Axe deal and purchased: 2 Oral B Manual toothbrushes (which had sample toothpaste attached to them), 2 Oral B kids battery operated brushes, 2 NYC nail polishes and a 24 pk of Arrowhead water. Total OOP: $1.59 and got $1.98 ECB for the manual toothbrushes
Last trip–Fry’s. I really wanted to get the Wishbone dressing since I stocked up on ranch dressing for the hubby & kiddos with the Kraft dressing deal a few weeks back but love the Italian dressing for myself. Once again it was an awesome trip! I bought the Comet, dressing, Dove chocolate, Olay soap and Smart Balance Milk (never tried it but got a Free coupon in last weeks insert). I spent nothing! I ♥ my fry’s!
Oh and just an FYI, I’m getting all these items to make Easter baskets for 3 God Children, Mother’s Day baskets for my sis, sis in-law & mom and Father’s day baskets for my bro & dad.…..
WOW! Holy cow! I’m so proud of you Sandy!! You truly made me smile Loved reading this and I hope others get motivated to go out and do the same!!
For those of you who may be new, and unfamiliar with Savvy Shopper read on!
If YOU have a grocery trip to share, please send it to me! I will feature a "Savvy Shopper" every Saturday! Showcase YOUR skills in clippin’ coupons! ! Want me to consider featuring YOUR shopping trip up here on Saturday morning? Then send to me via email at centsableshoppin (at) gmail (dot) com by Saturday at 8 a.m. and look for your trip to be posted up here!
HeHe… I cant wait for my mother’s day basket now Sandy
Woooo hoo hoo hoo HOO!!! Nice work Sandy!!
LOL, I forgot you’re on here all the time too Jenny! (Which is a good thing of course) There’s a few other surprises in your basket though ;)
Thx Meryl, i was super excited :)