Daily Deal site “ethicalDeal” is offering a FREE $5 Credit to you upon registration – although Phoenix is not a city that is listed, I registered for emails from Los Angeles (as we have family there) and many of the deals they offer are not geographically restricted.
Today you can score $50 to Earth’s Berries for just $25. Shipping is included. If you’re curious as to what is “Earth’s Berries” it is a store that sells Soap Nuts.
Just around Thanksgiving I bought a trial run of Soap Nuts – they work SO long that I just now got done with the trial pack (yes, this week..) You can read about my experience HERE.
1 250 mg Bag of Soap Nuts is equivalent to 75 –100 loads of laundry. OR, you can get a 1kg Bag for $30, which is equivalent to 300-400 loads.
Buy (1) 1kg Bag of Soap Nuts $30 (400 loads)
Buy (2) 250 Bag of Soap Nuts $10 (100 loads x 2)
= $50
After voucher, pay just $20 for up to 600 loads of laundry soap – which is $0.03/load. I love Soap Nuts – so much in fact I’d take it over my home made detergent (due to ease) – and just last night when I was rolling the jeans out of the wash, I realized that my trial pack of Soap Nuts is about to be done and I was hoping for another daily deal on Abe’s Market ($50 for $20) – but haven’t seen one for while – so this is just the ticket.
Pam Linyard says
Soap Nuts sounds interesting, do they have samples? Also, how do you make your own detergent?
Anonymous says
I was going to do a lesson on the blog tonight, but i forgot to get borax all THREE times i went shopping this weekend. I finally went & got some really late tonight, so I’ll type it out tomorrow with pictures.
Soap Nuts – no samples, but I got a small trial bag with credit off another site a while ago .. was skeptical…. that acorns can really wash clothes but they work & i love them. I’m addicted.
Pam Linyard says
Just did a search for homemade detergent and found it along with other helpful tips. I have been using white vinegar for everything the last few years. Heard it kills germs just as good as clorox, but no bad chemicals. Especially good for kitchen counter tops, then you don’t have icky chemicals where you put your food.