Many of you are daily deal site savvy, and with that comes the chance of letting deals that you have purchased expire because it’s simply too hard to keep track of them by going to every single site every day.
I seem to have that issue…. Several months ago I got Dave a JC Penney voucher on some random deal site. I thought it expired 01/31, but it expired on 01/30. I went to use it on 01/31, and was I mad….. he was even MORE mad with me because he wanted white Tee’s and .. well, expired.
I seem to have trouble keeping track of what I buy…. then I get mad with myself .. but it’s my own doing. My memory is not always the best, so I really try, but as much as I spend time writing things down, there always seem to be some really good deals that I purchase, and never use.
CityPockets is a site that keeps ALL of your deal vouchers in one place – They automatically import all your daily deal vouchers from various deal sites so you can keep track of them in one spot. You can set up voucher expiration reminders so you don’t forget about them. If you can’t use a deal you bought, recoup your money by selling your deal in the CityPockets Marketplace.
I went on the Marketplace today and was pretty surprised to see over 5 pages of daily deals that people (like you and me) are selling at a discount – simply because they don’t want the voucher or don’t recall the exact reason they purchased it.
CityPockets allows you to:
- Securely import all your deal vouchers into one spot
- Receive custom reminders of impending expirations
- See personalized deals according your purchase history
- Redeem on the go via mobile
- Sell vouchers in marketplace
- Buy a past deal you’ve missed
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