If you are a Mom’s Meet Mom’s Ambassadors member, check your email yet again today!
I got yet ANOTHER survey today to see if I qualify to participate in another panel – For Zevia All Natural Soda. You must be a Mom’s Ambassador to apply.
If you are selected you will receive:
A 24-pack of 12-ounce Zevia All Natural Soda cans in a mix of flavors for your group members
The Mom’s Ambassador program is great for those of you who love to lead groups of parents in meetings, speak about important topics, and services, and learning how to be an important part of your community. You must be a Mom’s Ambassador to apply – To apply to become a Mom’s Ambassador, take a trip on over HERE.
Beth S. says
This time you’re included if you live in a major city (L.A., Phoenix…). But since I don’t live in the city, no try for me this time…but those of you down in Phoenix, have fun!
Cindy says
Oh this stuff is really bad, I drink diet pop all the time but we threw this out was so bad!!! Not missing nothing…lol