Grocery news………how exciting! Not so much.
Have you seen the cost of food go up? I have to say this last week or two, I have noticed prices steadily climb… even at Wal Mart, the prices seem to be MUCH higher than Target and other grocers, even aside from the Club Card/VIP card savings. Last week, Channel 13 down in Tucson had a great news story covering this very subject, and I have been reading a few articles online about it today.
Does this motivate you to use more coupons and find more ways to save? I know it motivates me…..which is why I thought I’d share with you…
I’m interested in knowing what the future holds so I keep myself pretty informed on this subject (well, I try!)
Consumers will have to dust off creative cost-containing measures this year as food prices escalate after two years of very low inflation. The cost of food is expected to go up 2 percent to 3 percent, according to government economists. Some items, such as meats and dairy products, could see much steeper percentage increases — probably in double digits compared with late 2009.
Meat, dairy prices soar. Food prices are expected to rise 2% to 3% this year. Some food groups will see a bigger surge than others.
Biggest increase
- Dairy: 4.5%-5.5%
- Pork: 3%-4%
- Beef: 2.5%-3.5%
- Produce: 2.5%-3.5%
Smallest increase
- Other meats, such as deli meat: 1.5%-2.5%
- Non-alcoholic drinks, such as soda: 1%-2%
I know I shop for my produce at the Ranch market, and (to me) it hasn’t seemed any more pricey than last year….. not yet anyways! Rising Dairy costs worry me a tad…as we buy alot of milk.
Let me ask you ~ will this affect your shopping? Have you seen the prices go up? Do you think it will encourage people to find new ways to save…perhaps using coupons?
This makes me want to go into an unending rant, but I won't. I will however say that I feel extremely bad for the ones who are already struggling….
There was also a mention in the Az Rep a few days ago about the cost of corn going up. This means that the price of cereal, soda, syrup and everything thing else that is a byproduct of corn (everything basically!!) is also going to soar….
Sheryl, Ranch is going up too. Their prices were much lower than what they initially were.
Yesterday I had to stop in at a store called Lee Lee's to buy some baked beans (the only kind we eat) and even that has doubled to 2.00 per can!! I had to walk out of there empty handed! Prices were just through the roof on just about everything.
This is depressing!!
I'm sure the rising costs will affect my shopping. We will be eating far less meat and chicken. I have price points that I use for buying meat and chicken and I will not buy either unless they are at my price points.
I can't say I've noticed prices going up. But I have noticed that there hasn't been any really good sales in a month. I strive to buy what is on sale and/or that which I have coupons for. If it's not on sale and/or doesn't have a coupon, I won't buy.
I suspect my family will be going without a lot of the items that they prefer. If prices exceed my budget, I will have to make sacrifices. Thank God for my little bitty stock pile!
IMO people are going to be forced to utilize coupons and sales if the prices rise. Most families budgets have little to no room for cutting corners other than in their food budget. That's the only area I have any room wiggle room.
Hopefully, things will not get as bad as predicted. If they do, then we need to hold a revival meeting to pray that Fry's permanently brings back competitor's coupons and all coupons being worth a dollar!
I go to Superstition Ranch Market and I notice they don't have a lot of different produce, we go every week and has been slim pickens for sure, but they are a lot cheaper than grocery stores for sure. I looked at produce at Walmart tonight thinking I would get what the market didn't have cantelope, little watermelons etc. and they were double what I was used to paying at the Market…
Fruit market is so much cheaper got 4 green bell peppers for $1.00 and at Walmart they were .69 each, another comparison I did was cucumbers at Ranch got 3/$1.00 at Walmart .69 each…I walked out of Walmart with an All You Magazine is all.
I don't care for Walmart at all, but went in today to look for Alavera Juice and none on shelf told lady in pharmacy Why shelves so bare, she said it has been that way lately…What, Why I wonder….I noticed a lot of bare shelves in the store…and only 4:00 pm, maybe they just do that much business in a day….
Oh yes – I do the Ranch market too. That's where I get 80% of my produce. GREAT prices. Once a week I go there..with the kids.
I went to WM a few times lately to price stuff. HORRIBLE — super pricey. Even on produce. I won't ad match, just because I refuse to give them business (as bad as that sounds, I won't). I prefer to go to Ranch market, or, Pro's Ranch if I'm in that area too. They do have great produce and the prices have not risen there. Sometimes I'll hit up Food City, it depends what direction I drive.
I got cucumbers last week or week before for 8 – 9 for $1 at Pro's – wayyyy cheaper than even the Ranch Market in Mesa. I'm surprised more people don't use the Ranch Market or alternative stores I guess. Why people still use WM is beyond me, I see that place so dead lately…maybe people are catching on to looking elsewhere for deals? Who knows. Anyways, all the more reason to find a coupon to buy stuff with!
They have been going up, it's a shame. What I don't buy with coupons at main grocery stores, I buy at Aldi (it's a cheaper store with mostly it's own brands) and even there the prices have skyrocketed. I'm really scared about what the future holds inflation-wise. :(
I get produce through Bountiful Baskets because I find it to be cheaper than stores.
I am surprised that soda is listed as one of the things NOT expected to have a large increase. In the last 3 months or so it has been hard to find it for less than $2.25 for a 12 pack (which makes the CVS deal this week and last week that much more awesome). My normal "buy" price used to be less than $2.00/12 pack.