Saturday = SAVVY SHOPPER – or, as I would say it “Savv-ay Shop-pa!”
Erica says:
So, I went on a little trip to Fry’s tonight and I think you’d be proud (especially since I’ve only been doing this a short time now).
Check this out:
8 San Pellegrino
2 Stove Top stuffings
Scotch sticky square things
2 Ronzoni Pasta
2 Hormel Chilimasters Chili
2 Chunky soups
4 Dole all natural fruit
2 Green Giant steamers veggies
Best life buttery spread
2 Renuzit air freshener cones
Wholly Guacamole (yep, that’s what it’s called)
3 Extra gum
After coupons: $ 0.26
At first the cashier was confused because he owed me $2.37 haha. But, because I’m not really down with the whole grocery store paying me thing I grabbed the 3 Extra gums so that I had to pay him instead of
him paying me. BUT in the end I only spent .26 cents and got 3 cats for .50 off Country Crock, ,.75 cents off Dole fruit, and a 1.00 off my next Fry’s order. I love Fry’s and I love coupons. Thank you for your Centsable Shoppin’ tips.
GO GIRL..Go Girllll….Go – Go – Go Girllll!
I am proud of you!!!
If YOU have a grocery trip to share, please send it to me! I will feature the “Savvy Shopper” every Saturday! Showcase YOUR skills in clippin’ coupons! ! Want me to feature YOUR shopping trip up here on Saturday morning? Then send to me via email by Saturday at 8 a.m. and look for your trip to be posted up here on Cents’Able Shoppin!
Anonymous says
Erica, looks like you did great! I've been tryin to get the hang of it, it's a little confusing at first but I know I will get it with time. Thanks for giving me more reason to keep plugging away at it.
Erica says
Thanks. Don't let yourself get discouraged. The first time I spent hours putting together what I was going to get. I got to the store and tried to use my coupons and I was so frustrated I almost didn't try it again. So don't give up; it just takes some practice…oh and shopping at Fry's helps too haha.
Sandra says
Great job Erica! The bad thing about living so far from a Fry's is that I really have to stock up when I do go so I don't get the nice under $5 shopping trips since I have to buy paper, meats, etc… which I can't usually get for free. I also spend hours putting shopping trips and coupons together and does take a lot of work, but so worth it.