They are no longer accepting any more applications, they are at their limit!
I just got this in my email…wanted to share the love:
Your ideas are important! That is why we would like to invite you to join the Pepperidge Farm Fresh Ideas Panel; an exciting new panel designed to collect your thoughts and feedback regarding food and what you are looking for in the foods you choose for yourself and for others, such as your family and friends.
This is a brief survey that should only take about 5 minutes to complete. If you choose to join and are accepted into the panel, you will receive one to two surveys a month. In addition, you will have the chance to participate in our rewards program, where you can win gift cards for up to $200.
Hmmm, worth a shot? I think so!
Yay! I was selected! Lets hope it brings lots of goodies! Thanks!
Well it was worth a shot but I wasn’t selected because they obviously can’t add. I am 45 and was born in 1966 and they said that couldn’t be so. They wanted me to check MY math….REALLY??
Well…I guess if your over a certain age, you don’t meet their requirements. I’m pretty sure that’s why I didn’t meet their requirements. Why else, going from their list?
REJECTED! I feel like such a loser! LOL