It’s not quite a new year… but this is something that I have been wanting to do now for some time.
Most of us are in Holiday Mode – buying up tons of gifts so we can be prepared for Christmas this year with our gift giving – and while I think it’s important to gift, I also think it’s just as important for us to save too.
Because most families are on a tight budget, I think this might be one of the easiest ways to save –a 52 Week Savings Challenge. It’s important that all of us have an Emergency Fund – and while most can’t simply throw in $1,000 and call it done, this will help that happen on a more gradual basis.
Perhaps this will encourage you to save bigger, and better in 2016… or, encourage your kids to save, or maybe encourage you to do this for each of your kids.
- Each week, add the amount noted above to your account – I would suggest opening an account just for this (you can read my post from earlier today on getting started with Capital One with a bonus through tonight that would be perfect for this!)
- Each week I will remind you to deposit your money; follow us on Facebook and join my mailing list for reminders.
- Should you add in extra, note that on the sheet as well – if you stick with the sheet, above, you will save $1,378.
- Pin the sheet to keep it as a reminder of where you should be… all you need to do is check the box “Done” and look forward to putting money in that next week!
OMG I’m in!!!! Just printed, Love this idea…