Over this next month, our kids will be headed back to school! Here in Arizona many of us start back around the third week of July. … with others going back in early August.
Chances are, you’ve probably been shopping here and there for clothing and back to school items – but we’ll be in the full swing of things in just another week or two.
Buying back to school items for just one child can be incredibly expensive. That’s why you need every tip you can manage on how to save on back to school.
Here are my tips on saving –
#1. Buy early or Buy late
No one ever saves money by buying exactly at the right time or last minute shopping. If you want to save money then either buy later or earlier. You are going to catch the great sales or the REALLY great sales. Have a friend help you keep an eye on what’s on sale and what’s not on sale. Two sale “eyes” are always better than one.
#2. Buy out of season
It’s so hard to tell what size your kids are going to be in, but if you can manage, try and buy the kids’ clothes a lot earlier. When you buy clothes in season, you aren’t saving any money. It’s important to watch the racks for these deals because once they hit they are gone fast.
The Children’s Place has sales frequently during the year with FREE shipping offers – mid-summer, they have their blowout sale with Flip Flops, and matchables in-store as low as $2.99 – include a 20% discount coupon and you can take advantage of stocking up on basic pieces like leggings, tanks and tees for under dresses, and buy another set for the NEXT summer – a size or two larger.
When the weather heats up that next year, you can pull out your clearance deals and save yourself from buying full price in store, and in some cases, you can even get items for less than thrift store price.
#3. Buy second hand
As much as you’d love to buy every one of your children brand new clothing, you might have to settle for second hand. There are some awesome second hand clothing stores and mamas out there donating clothes. Keep an eye out for clothes that aren’t so worn. Your child won’t even know you bought his or her clothes second hand, unless you tell them. Place them in the closet and watch your child fall in love with their second hand wardrobe.
Places like thredUp and Schoola are amazing, and both are places we use for our kids. With Schoola, you can request a clean out bag to send them your clothes FREE. Postage on the bag to go back to them is FREE and your child’s school earns 40% of the sales.
#4. Don’t buy so much
If you were to look in your child’s clothing drawers and closet, you are probably overwhelmed. Parents have a tendency to buy more than what any child could ever need. That’s why it’s important to take a look at the amount of clothing your child has and decide that you won’t buy so much this season around.
Try to stay with key pieces that are matchable – a great set of leggings for girls in several basic colors, and tops that you can mix and match that work with those base pieces. For boys, 5-7 shirts are sufficient, and a few pairs of jeans. Unless you don’t plan on doing laundry regularly that should be sufficient.
#5. Designate play clothes from school clothes
If you are on a tight budget, then it’s smart to designate what are school clothes and what are play clothes. You can save a ton of money by keeping your “school” clothes nice and neat. After the kids get home from school, have them change into play clothes. This will help keep down on the wear and tear of the best clothing your child owns.
As you can see, “saving” money on back to school is more about being clever about your resources.
What are some ways you like to save on back to school?
It helps me to mark the school vs. the play clothes. I just put a piece of masking tape on the hangers, labeling school or play. Or just mark one or the other. Helps when hubby gets out clothes too. I also designate drawers for my youngest.