If you need checks, and yes many of us still use them – you can score 2 boxes at 4checks.com for as low as $8.95 shipped. Here’s a simple breakdown of the offer:
- Head over to 4Checks HERE – click “Get Started”
- Type in offer code DB4381 – then click “Update Pricing” – it’ll show one box for $4.95, or 2 boxes of singles at $5.05.
- Then head over to the menu bar and click Personal Checks – you’ll select the Check Design of your choice.
- Under “Order Now” on the right, hit the drop down and select “Singles” (under Format), and then Quantity “2”… add to cart.
Enter your personalized check information – then add to cart; the total may reflect high – once you arrive at the checkout, enter the offer code DB4381 in the lower left corner once again and SUBMIT.
Mark EZShield “NO” – to remove that charge; proceed to your shipping/billing address.
On the shipping method, ensure you opt for USPS Bulk to eliminate the cost of shipping….making the total just $8.95.
imlucky says
Have you ever ordered from this website? I’ve never ordered outside the bank and am just wondering how people’s experiences have been with outside checks.
sherylcuevas says
I usually order outside of the bank; they have better selection , .. and I like using fun and cute checks ( like putting my kids pictures on them! )
imlucky says
great! Thanks for the answering so quickly!!
Have you tried 4checks yourself? sorry for so many questions…
sherylcuevas says
I have but it’s been about 8 months, i changed my checks about 6 months after I moved to Queen Creek since I had my old address on them