Chances are .. if you are like me you are a very HUGE label reader. I haven’t always been a huge label reader, but a few years ago I had a great friend that I like to say is the reason I became one..
We have tried to reduce our exposure to chemicals for the last few years – and although it’s a challenge and in some cases a little more costly, I like to think it’s one of the reasons my kids are as healthy as they are.
TEN years ago I used to wear lots of cosmetic products. My skin was horrible. I quit wearing cosmetics one day cold turkey and within just a few weeks my skin improved – ten years later, I don’t wear ANY and my skin glows. Coincidental? I used to use regular store purchased items and I was also always suffering with migraines – stopped wearing those products 2-3 years ago and my migraines stopped too.
In fact, I ditched ALL of those commercial items and we make our own or use Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap.
Now obviously there are going to be some of you that say “well, you don’t know that’s what it was – where is the SCIENTIFIC study?” You can dig around and find lots of studies that tell you that the ingredients IN these products are NOT good for you – but you also have to realize we live in a country where manufacturers thrive on sales, so why would they publish those? And a healthcare system that thrives on you being sick – because if you are NOT sick, you aren’t going to visit – and if you don’t visit, they can’t prescribe. Am I right?
One of the FIRST areas we recognized when we were in that process of making changes was our personal care items – the deodorants we used to get cheap or free with coupons were always sought after.. but once doubles ended those deals became harder to find. AND guess what?
Probably for the better.
A few days ago we told you Tampons & Pads give us the heebie jeebies. But guess what? Deodorant does too. It’s SO horrible for you.. and yet so many people use it and may not even realize the problems it can contribute to.
Now obviously there are going to be those that still head out and buy tons of deodorant – I still see it on all those yard sale sites that coupon to re-sell.. .but if you haven’t ever thought about your deodorant much you may want to start giving it some extra attention.
Sure, nobody likes to smell funky – when you tell people to ditch their deodorant they think you are truly crazy – but by opting OUT of purchasing them, and helping your friends steer clear of them you are ultimately helping them long term. And if they truly ARE your friends they will NOT think you are crazy at all.
Some Not-So-Good Facts about your Commercial Deodorant
Whether it be Secret or, Dove, or Clinical varieties, most of them contain most of the same ingredients… they are just scented a bit differently, different strengths, and have different color labels to appeal to the eye.
Here are the top ingredients you will find in commercial deodorant:
#1 Parabens -Preservative that mimics estrogen. Parabens interfere with hormone function and have been detected in breast cancer tissues (Source). They may also interfere with male reproductive issues. Parabens can lead to early puberty in children and hormone related cancers in women.
#2 Aluminum – active ingredient in antiperspirants to stop your sweat glands from producing sweat (something they do naturally..) Many studies out there show a relationship between aluminum and Alzheimer’s.
Aluminum may also be a cause for concern in the way breast cells divide – if you reference THIS study, you’ll see that cancer patients had a higher level of aluminum – possibly from exposure to aluminum based antiperspirant salts.
I don’t know what you think, but sweating is the body’s way of fighting of sickness, regulating body temp and getting rid of toxins – it’s not such a great idea to prevent the body from doing what it should, naturally.
#3 Propylene Glycol – stops products from drying out. .. and makes them easy to apply to the skin. It’s a petroleum based material… and although deemed as “safe” by the FDA, it can cause irritation for those with sensitive skin even in SMALL concentrations of 2% or less.
#4 Triclosan – classified as a pesticide by the FDA, and used as an antibacterial agent and preservative. It reacts with tap water to create chloroform gas – a possible carcinogenic. It can also disrupt hormones and has shown up in human blood and breast milk
Aluminum was the main ingredient that gave me enough concern to switch – and if you do any research on deodorants, some of the worst to buy are Suave, Secret, Mitchum Gillette & Right Guard (which are SO popular).
What are the Alternatives?
It’s hard to know what to go out there & buy… so we gave you a list of some of the most popular items – but fair warning: you won’t be able to get them free with coupons.
- Vermont Soapworks
- Lavilin (this is a cream so it takes some getting used to!)
- Purity Real Roll On
- Primal Pit Paste
OR, you can learn how to make your OWN deodorant too.
The Lavilin my grandma used to use. I’d love to see a “how to” recipe of the cream deodorant. Thanks for the great read Sheryl!
This was interesting to read. I have been getting lumps in my armpits and freaked out at first but then realized once I stopped wearing deodorant, they went away. I have been looking for an alternative since. Thanks for posting!
Which one do you like the most?