Today’s Handmade gift is a really fun and unique one – I don’t own an double broiler, but melting wax is something you can do even without owning one.
Giving a unique candle in a teacup is a really cute way of gifting to someone – you can jazz it up with a few cookies, or even some creamer (like the International Delight variety – attached in a small pouch with some ribbon).
::: You’ll want to scour your thrift store for fun and unique tea cups that might look vintage – try not to go for any that have any hairline fractures – as melted wax might put too much strain and force the crack even more.
::: Try to find a Tea Cup that has a saucer to pair – so that when you wrap your gift in cello it sits flat.
::: You’ll want to find some Soy wax in your local Walmart or Craft store… it’s really very cheap. You’ll also need wicks that are at least 1” longer (taller) than your cup.
Once you are home, clean out the cups, & dry well; then hot glue the wick base in the cup with hot glue.
::: Then, take out your saucepan and put a few inches of water within – instead of using a double broiler, find an soup can (rinsed out of course), and set the wax inside that metal container, and then furthermore inside the water on your burner.
:: With the heat turned on very low and as you watch carefully, wait for the wax to melt completely – once melted, you can add any essential oil (Lavender, Rose, etc – a few drops is more than enough).
::: Carefully pour the wax into the teacup, and adjust the wick at that time – it shouldn’t take very long for the wick to set… you can also add any food coloring too (should you opt for that route).
::: Once the wax is solid, trim the wick so it’s only 1/4”.
Gift this by putting the candle, on a saucer, in a really cute cello bag – depending on the size of the teacup, the pack of 20 Cello Bags for $2 at Walmart in the Wedding aisle may work just fine.
Don’t need a double broiler– use a mason jar for the wax, and use a regular pot to boil the water in :)