Oh gosh. That’s a call for desperate measures! Those of you who are Entertainment book ♥’ers may want to check out this deal:
The Entertainment Book is $12 today + FREE shipping.
Now…….for those of you who don’t know much about the book, it’s full of coupons & discounts for popular eateries in your area – in addition to coupons for Safeway & Fry’s….. (like dollars off your order….) – worth it? For some of you it’s a necessity.
Go through Shop at Home & get 40% cash back on your order……OR, if you go through Ebates, you can get 24% cash back on your order. PLUS, if you’re new to Ebates, you’ll score a $5 bonus!
Do understand you do have to come out of pocket with the $12 and wait for the 40% from Shop at Home OR 24% and $5 bonus (for Ebates…if you’re new) to drop into your account.
I’m super excited about this because I’ve been waiting for a deal! This pays for itself so fast. Thanks Sheryl!
Do you know if this year’s Entertainment book has the Fry’s and Safeway coupons? Neither are listed in the online index for the Phoenix book.
i want to say yes, several readers bought it just b4 xmas and they had Fry’s coupons in there.
Thanks! I’ll give it a shot.