1SaleADay is absolutely amazing. I have ordered 3 times from them and in every case, it gets here FAST & in perfect packaging!
Today they are offering a Omaha 6-in-1 Screwdriver Set. This is an excellent addition to a Manly Man Christmas Basket ladies! This is a savings of $28.99. WOW………
Go HERE to get in on the deal – they really only ask you to do one thing: To post a comment or testimonial on their Facebook page before ordering it. Of course, it’s all on honesty. Shipping is FREE!
thanks for posting on this site! i have ordered the last 3things u have posted and love it!
It didnt even charge me for shipping. Completely 100% free!
It’s FREE :)
This is awesome for fathers day, i will even save shipping because it will send to my dad. woo hoo!
Totally FREE!!! That just made my day.
Woo it was free for me too! Yay, I can stop using a butter knife for all of my screw driver needs! :)
I got it totally free too! But then I ordered the Super Soaker….:-) Fun for daddy and toddler….and it was cheap. I priced it online and saved about $15.