Just a few weeks ago I let you know that I cleaned out my pantry – probably one of the best things I have done in a LONG time.
Not only did I realize I have WAY more food than I thought… I discovered we also have an addiction to dental floss. I knew we had a lot of floss hanging around – my 3 year old is very intuitive and just a few days before that we found the floss wrapped around our entire upstairs.
It appeared as if he had un-wound it (and kept going….and going… ) because he thought it would be funny (that’s just the kind of kid he is honestly). He then must have had big sister or brother help at some point because he tied the talking Woody from Toy Story (who is now missing a head, and lost his voice) to the gate at the top of the stairs as if he was trapped and couldn’t get out.
I suspect it was my 8 year old daughter who helped him because my 5 year old son doesn’t know how to tie just yet.. needless to say I had to laugh even though that floss really doesn’t mix well when it finds the vacuum. What a bad combination!
I packed up all of our floss to use in gift baskets for the men in the family this year – and we had WAY, too much floss hanging around. Because I didn’t want to overload my brother in laws with “too” much floss – because at some point I felt like I was implying that their teeth were bad (who knows?)
So there has to be other ways to use this stuff besides actually flossing. I mean, everything else has a second purpose – why not floss?
It’s actually pretty handy stuff – I think I’ll keep a roll in my purse so that next time my flip flop breaks I can somehow rig it back together – have you ever had your flip flops break in public? It can be really embarrassing. It happened to me on Veterans Day 2013 – we were at BJ’s Brewhouse. Not the best place for that to happen ;)
Here are TEN ways to put that floss to use – besides actually flossing:
Hanging picture frames in your home. It’s a lot cleaner to use than the wire.. which can scratch up the paint on the wall if you rub it the wrong way.
Use in place of shoelaces. Always carry a pack of floss with you.. you might just find it can replace your laces in a pinch … or, if you wear flip flops, it may tie them up enough for you to make it home.
Removing cookies from a cookie tray. This is a really great way to get those cookies off carefully without sacrificing them.
Slicing cake. Easier than a knife and slices perfect pieces.
Support your house plants that grow quickly. If you love to have the type of indoor plants that grow (and grow quickly) use it to tie them for support.
Sewing up your clothing, or a button. Use in a pinch, in lieu of thread – it’s much stronger and so it makes a great support thread.
Fix a leaky faucet. If you can’t fix your faucet for while, tie it around the faucet spout and let it trail down into the basin for the drain. The water drops will grab on to the floss and slide down the string, eliminating the drip drip drip sound.
Use to Create your Own Jewelry. (My daughter does this – its MUCH cheaper than buying the string at Walmart!)
Use it as a Make-Shift Clothesline.. which works super if you are camping.
Use it to Cook. Making bacon wrapped pork chops? OR making a roast? Use the floss to tie those up before you throw in the crock pot.
When we lived in Johnson Ranch the water kept eating away the chains in the toilet. My hubby used floss in lieu of a chain and it worked amazingly! Who woulda though. Lol
Oh how awesome is that?!
We had a leaky faucet at the house this week and the floss does work pretty good. Hubby gets annoyed with the drip (I sleep too hard to get annoyed) so he got up SUPER annoyed, and I said “WAIT! I know! I can fix it!” —> WHo ever thought I would be able to help do stuff like that?!